NHS IMAS is proud to be supporting a National network of Exceptional Leaders which provides a platform for Executive Nurses with a record of high professional achievement using their experience to support, mentor or coach senior Nursing colleagues.

It goes without saying that a strong, dedicated and talented nursing and midwifery workforce are vital within the NHS. 

The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Exceptional Leaders Network is made up of exemplary professional Chief Nurses who have made a significant contribution to their profession and can be called upon by Trusts on a short-term basis to provide support, coaching or mentorship to their Chief Nurse or Director of Nursing. This support package is designed to enable the Chief Nurse/Director of Nursing to maintain their post and professional reputation during a short-term episode of challenge.

The talent pool of outstanding Chief Nurses will be pivotal to the success of the CNO Exceptional Leaders Network and NHS IMAS is excited to be supporting this programme. All members of this network are personally invited by the CNO for England to bring their experience and skills back into the NHS where they can support other senior nurses who are either under challenge themselves or are working in challenged organisations. 

If your organisation has a senior nurse requiring this level of support get in touch with us today on 0113 486 0132 or nhs.imas@nhs.net